elgac's Diaryland Diary


I'm thirsty for more diversity

Justin called me yesterday. We had a civil light conversation. I thought he was calling about his stuff, you know when to pick it up and the sort. No I was wrong, he wanted to just chat. He was very quick to say he missed me. I told him I had missed him a little. Which was true but seriously I�m over it, I don�t think about him. And it was only last week people.

He got an apartment way outside the perimeter, which is great for me, bad for his gas milage. The key here is he�s not in midtown. When we first started seeing/fucking each other he said something along the lines of if we aren�t together we won�t hang out. Cool clean and easy I like it. This conversation he eluded to wanting to be my friend and tried say I had been the one to say that. I quickly pointed out that wasn�t the case and he quickly peddled backwards agreeing he had been the first one to state that. Later I did say something similar. Then we had the you left the relationship as soon as it became good conversation AGAIN. Ah I was very up front that over all I was only looking for sex and a bit of companionship not a partner.

I can�t help being so awesome at such a young age but I plead with myself and the universe, let me make a good match for once. I want a person that could grow into a partner but is open and free like me. I don�t want another crazy person looking for a momma, boy or girl. I�ve had both thank you very much.

I can�t let Justin near me right now, knowing my past I could end up in bed with him again. My sex drive can not make a good judgment once it�s hungry for sexual satisfaction, especially from a wonderfully large cock. ~Shaking head in shame~.

9:40 a.m. - 2006-07-19


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