elgac's Diaryland Diary


A blow by blow that blows

No sex was had and just kisses on cheeks were all I got this past weekend. Friday night was crazy, but I felt important. Everywhere I went I was greeted and chatted up to the point I lost the desire to speak. This hardly ever happens, which is why I have this diary (one of three). A place to think and display my life all the more. My poor friends.

The art shows were what I thought they'd be. Erica and Gentian's show was beautiful. The front wall is covered in dried empty snake shells that alone set the tone. The old gallery I used to help run, was well what Marscha wanted it to be, lame. I don't have money just eleven years of formal art training, ah no accounting for taste.

The Seafood dinner was quite yummy. Crabs were torn apart and devoured. I find it so funny how people are afraid to pick the carcass for the sweet meat. Sadly Jojo was there, but the baby dikes were with me to hinder too much exposure.

We blew that party and off we went to SouthDekalb for Amin's Birthday party. It was one of those party experiences where you know everyone and they all want to talk to you. I was picked on for being late. But hey I was trying to get there. Many conversations were had, so and so is sleeping with blah and what do I think about you know who's drug issues? I felt loved and needed.

The baby dike's and I left the party before everyone was too drunk. We went to WaffleHouse and had a lovely greasy mess called food. Dill ate so much it was amazing. On the way back to midtown we had a sing-a-long which was complete with hand motions they have created together. It started with Sheryl Crow and ended with a NIN song. So cute, got to love nineteen year old girls that are so connected, Christina and I call them the collective. They finish each other's sentences and look at each other and just know where the other is. Fucking adorable.

Ah that was just Friday.
Hum I've seem to lost my will to write.

Saturday night was dancing, shit tons of it. I will say this a few people came over to my place and we played a hardcore game of truth or dare. Jojo was there but I did get to have him hand cuffed and exposed for all. He wanted to get naked but I would let him. I just took his shirt off and cuffed him so that I could poke his chest and twist his nipples, when the want passed my mind. And Ian got naked, not that I wanted to see that.

Sunday night I lounged in the park with my hand crank radio, Christina, Maria, and Tanya. The clouds were swirling and the wind caressed us as we lied in the reflected light of midtown at 10:30pm in PiedmontPark.
Oh and I had ice cream, Twix homemade ice cream in a waffle cone you know your jealous.

11:27 a.m. - 2006-05-22


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