elgac's Diaryland Diary


The Shaun date, was ok but I'm not interested really

Ok the date-it went well, but He is a country boy and I'm a city girl. We walked to thePrinceofWales and had a lovely chat. I could tell he thought me attractive.

He is cute in an ugly sweet country guy way. Red hair, freckles, goat-tee, a black t-shirt with the Beatles screen-printed on it in white, jeans, and I forgot to look at his shoes. He is six two, a nice demeanor, trimish figure, pale skin of course, hum a nice all around guy.

As we walked towards PiedmontPark, which is adjacent to PrinceofWales, when a person was walking on the other side of the path, he would put his hand slightly on my back. It was a strange thing for me to take in. For one I just met him in person ten minutes before that so I felt a bit violated. But of the flipside it was a caring gesture I appreciated, even if it is a bit manly i.e. possessive. He is a possessive type or at least I would conjecture he is. Their kind don't do well with me, seeing as I like to flit about and do as I please.

But he did real well when my friends showed up. I had planed it so if I felt trapped I had backup. That and I wanted to know what they thought about him. Ah it was a good time. Shaun paid for me, ah a nice thing, I'm so used to poor people.

He lives and hour and a half away, but I had a nice time. As I walked him back to his car, we turned to say good-bye and as I was hugging him he bent down and kissed my neck. Again I had that "who the hell are you?" and the "aww that's sweet feeling" in a split second. I'll chalk it up to my being horny.

It was a flattering and relatively comfortable evening.

11:04 a.m. - 2006-05-17


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