elgac's Diaryland Diary


I was good really, I was, I didn't have any sex with anybody but myself

Eh the weekend was great but I just checked over my last entry, I do deplore reading my own words sometimes.

MSR sucked! They lied about the music they were supposed to play and the courtofkings blew like I knew they would. Gigi luckily also does not enjoy CofK so we bonded over that and went off to have our own conversation. Earlier I had hung out with the man posse, and Amin had passed me a {valium}. I was abit slower, I felt that for once we were at the same speed. Not that she's dumb just methodical to a degree that cannot be quite understood, yet. I did only have one drink, which Gigi bought. After that I had cokes.

What I enjoy from Gigi is that I don't know what she is thinking and her facial expressions are out there. That and she's new.

But I did find a great cocktail dress for the party on Saturday, after I left work. It is a blue sequined short strapy number. The zipper was shoddy I had hopes of it working but alas it did not lucky for me Amin's mother is a seamstress. So he said Saturday as we were laying around waiting for my nail polish to dry that he would sew me into it! I love this man.
We walked into PiedmontPark for the DogwoodFestival. I enjoyed a frozen chocolate covered banana and many beautiful assess barely clad due to the lovely weather. Amin and I walked back to my place I packed and took a shower. Then we took an expensive cab ride back to the Sean's house/posse house. I will say this it was a clean mini van with automatic sliding doors on both sides with captain chairs. I collected the number for a later date. Besides why would we want to get on to horrible public transit when we had a lovely buzz to maintain?

We all got dolled up for cutie Daniel party. Amin sewed me. We took a picture of ourselves all gussied up. There's talk of a {myspace}page just about us as the man posse. This picture will kick it off.

I bought a bottle of Arbor Mist- strawberry flavored, one due to the fact that I have quit beer currently and two it looked good with the whole outfit. The party ended up not being that cool. His ex-girlfriend, whom never stops talking about nothing loudly, hosted it. I passed out for a bit out of boredom, and {valium}. Oh Daniel's costume was hilarious. He was thePope, which entailed him taking- a box making shoulder pads that were huge and scary, draping a white sheet over that, spray painting pope in gold on his chest, with a large popesk hat made out of cardboard.

So cute, still want to make out with him but in the long run too young and is allergic to cats.

Saturday night/Sunday morning after a run to TacoBell posse united at home. I slept with Sean, in his bed. But the chaste man he is, this is funny, wore his shorts to bed and kept the blanket between us. Most men knowing the woman/girl whom they are sharing bed likes them would try to get a little closer. He gets farther away than ever before. He reminds me of Brian when I think about it. The boyfriend I was with for four and a half years, who I left because he wouldn't have, sex with me. It was a bit more complicated than that but to put it simply I wanted more than he was willing to give unless I would marry him. ~Sigh~
Now I'm back around to another Piscean man with morals I don't share.

Ah life.

3:59 p.m. - 2006-04-10


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