elgac's Diaryland Diary


Yes, no, maybe

I would like to try to image my perfect fake in my mind lover.

Shall we proceed?
They can be either a man or a woman.
If you were to ask me which would I prefer I'd say either would do nicely. At this point I'm more comfortable with fucking women than men. Not that I couldn't get into the swing of things with a man, what's the learning curve ten minutes?

White, black, purple, mixture of whatever not a big deal with me. In fact I like mixtures above all, and Latin lovers.

Hair-Clean of bugs, can be oily but only if it works for them, I've always wanted a curly long red haired lover.

Eyes-Blue, green, violet, hazel, everything else then brown. I have the big brown doe eyes so no need for more.

Body type-This makes me laugh considering all the different types I have loved in my past. But this is fantasy so I'll say American size 8-10 for the ladies, and 33-38 for men. I like a bit of fat since I have some. My first true love was so skinny he asked me what my stretch marks were. Asked if I was ok and did I need to go to the doctor. Man I felt so fat and pissed, pushed him down and stuck my tongue down his mouth after that.

Clothes-This a very touchy subject for me. I wouldn't describe myself as a "hipster" but I did go to art school people. No yuppies but then they could be reformed artists that have sold out and could support me... Let me say this it has to fit with the verbal image your also portraying. It is quite disruptive when they don't line up. I wish I could give you an example but I don't know you and we don't know any of the same people. Ah the glory of the Internet.

Hands-A big deal after my five years of lesbianism. Regardless of the sex you can tell volumes by the way a person maintains their hands. What is the length of the their nails. Are the cuticles healthy? Lotion? Stains-from what do you suppose? Scars? Size, shape, good handshake?

Smell-Oh I've been reading up on this one for years. But that's a whole nother entry. I will say extreme B.O. isn't grand. I don't wear deodorant for the most part but I don't generally sweat much, it�s my Florida blood. Men and the way they smell have made me do many stupid disrespectful things to myself in the past. Oh and I always smell lovely or so I've been told.

Interests-Me first of all, reading, cooking, eating all kinds of food, shared hatred of corn syrup a plus, swimming, lying in the sun, flying kites, viewing art, supporting art making, travel, camping, talking/not talking, keeping a job, possibly supporting me, family/ but not wanting to make one just use the ones we have, having a functioning family already, friends (ones they have had for a least a year), not being crazy, oh this could go on all day you get a gleaning here.

Really I just want another me to love me the way I only know how. Damn that will never happen and besides I'd probably kill me.

2:27 p.m. - 2006-03-24


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