elgac's Diaryland Diary


Ah Friday night it went just fine

Humm, last night went well. Mary came and looked mighty cute in a fitted red jacket. Many people I called came to the opening, good thing too considering the light crowd. The weather I believe is to blame.

Jojo didn't call me back until 10pm, while I was having my dinner with Mary. Stupid boy with lame words but I had no real expectations. Boody is boody and I enjoyed his boody. Perhaps I will again or I won't.

Elizabeth the Sweede, came and I got her phone number, ah yeah. But it isn't so much just for me it's for Sean as well. He didn't go to Flordia to work on his sail boat because of the cute blue eyed lady I speak of. She seemed to enjoy her self at the show and I told her about the posse house party. I had Andrew set up the rides for her and Johanna the other Sweede I know.

With the show opening coming to and end, Mary and I sped off to eat for I was hungry due to the fancy jive talking which in turn led to burning so many calories chating it up and making jokes. It is so hard to be as cute as myself and witty. My writing is a shadow of my intelligence or more properly described,my ego...

We end up at GreenSprout a yummy veggie pan asian resturant. They have the best stuffed eggplant it's to die for, seriously last meal level. Oh the black bean sauce, so tangy and pleasing.( as a side note Timothy McVeigh's last meal was mint chocolate ice cream, so random)

Then we went off to the posse abode. Where there was a hopping party. I had a good time, I think Mary had a good time. She is so cool, I got to run off and leave her and come back and not get guilt thrown in my face. (That was what I was used to from Rosa.) We started a dance party in the livingroom.(Elizabeth the Sweede danced with us for a bit) It was interesting allowing Mary into that part of my life. Also a bit strange on my side, considering I had just been there Wednesday night/Thursday morning with my hands all over Andrew's body...And here I was with another lover in his home. God I am a bastard. Is this guilt, truely or just flashes of expected emotions? I'm still out on that.

We leave the party,I was feeling good. She had only had two beers due to the fact that she was driving and all. I on the other hand had a french beaujolois, almost the whole bottle...yummy tastes like sun shine. I couldn't drink any more beer due to the two previous nights. We get to my place and the cats have not killed one another nor ripped a part my totally bitchin pad. Score! I get water for us both and we sit in my livingroom/studio space in chairs facing each other. A nice chatter starts and well she leans in for a kiss and just spark up from there. Soon we're having chair sex. I forget how much I love chair sex. But tall men are better for chair sex. It gets silly, you know the point where you really can't go any further unless you move to a new location. We pull apart and I pull her into my bedroom, where we continue to have hot I mean the hottest sex we have had to date. I push and she pushed back. I greatly enjoy the pull and push of an intune lover. Oh I am getting a bit riled with this recall. So hot, and wet and tons of moaning and patting. I do just adore a good panting, where you get to the point that you have run out of saliva and kiss with abandon hoping to make more before you choke. And that first sip of water after a good panting ummmm. Yes 2006 has been very good to me. Thank you Mary and hail the goddess.

This morning I was woken up twice before I got up, by Mita sitting on my head and meowing for my attention. MI-eek, Mieek, meow. After my shower, I made breakfast for Mary and I. It was completely necessary due to all the 'feasting' the night before. I made bacon, catfish ( I had taken it out the day before and it needed to be eaten), scrambled eggs and cheese, with toast. Ah yes that hit the spot.

Then it was off to the Galerie for the artist tea and talk. Ah work now my weekend is here. Currently I am at the galerie not working but talking about myself. Ah figures artists are egoist.

I want to go home and rest. I need to go home and rest. Joe wants me to see his new paintings and trade books again.Perhaps for a little while. Also I texted Emily the hot Leo lesbian to see if she wanted to dance yesterday, she hasn't returned it yet but that might happend. For the most part I just need to rest. A nap is most needed.

Tomorrow I'm taking Tina/Tito to the theatre. We're going to see Pride and Prejudice. The tickets are free for me(opening week) you see but what lovely thing to do on a Sunday night.

4:08 p.m. - 2006-01-14


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