elgac's Diaryland Diary


Baby issues

Babies are a lot of work. Last night or should I say this morning, I was startled by Bella my queen first kitty barfing up god knows what. I atribute it to the new baby in the home, Mita. (my six week old kitty of terror) It supposedly means Myth in "eye"talian. Then after the reguritating subsided I smell the baby peeing on my bed. Yes it was a grand morning. I had only had her for about six hours at this point.

Now after washing a load of laundry, I was up and hey no one would be sane enough to wash clothes at 3am right? Besides me that is. Bella yakked up at least five times. By the end of it all I'd say she had nothing really to give but a sad pile of foam. Now I'm worried about Bella being dehydrated. So I have Mita at work with me.

Currently she is in a homemade kitten corral made from a box that held 30x40 canvases. I need to mention that I have a huge order to count and stock as well as care for my nagging baby. I can only hope that Bella is taking this time to reload up and we can repeat tonight, this morning's bliss.

Bella is five years old and has been living alone with me a full year today as a matter of fact . It was year ago today that RosaFuckingAltagracia finally moved out of my apartment. I say mine well because I paid for it. She was unable to hold a job for long. Well there was one for about six months but she complained everyday. That was a job in and of it self. What did she think I loved my job? Especially considering she was up my ass there as well as home. I was happy when she was at the horrible job, I had time to breath. Ah now after that rant I can continue, Bella has been my world. I can understand her inablity to hold down food. She feels as though I am replacing her. Far from the truth, Mita is a present to her. And their names together mean beautiful myth. Now I just have to convence Bella of this new arrangement.

In other news tonight the man posse unites. Amin is coming in from L.A. I miss him buckets. Also I met a beautiful sweede at the store. She is taking a continuing education class. I had spotted her as soon as she came in with Ben the drawing teacher. Elizabeth has brown curly hair tastefully pinned back, a cute petite body, creamy skin, and startling blue eyes. The deep kind with the light blue inter-ring around the iris. She came in later by herself and asked where a cool place to shop near by was. So from there I told her all about Atlanta. She doesn't have a car and nor do I. She just came into the U.S. last Tuesday. Blah blah blah. I interduced her to Johanna the only other sweede I know whom is attending the college for Graphic Design. They chatted it up on my cell for a bit. Then I asked her to come to the brewery tonight. So tonight the posse unites and meets Elizabeth. I hope she has fun. I know I will. Andrew was picking on me about how I smile about her. She straight, and I have enough lovers and possible canidates currently. She is just beautiful and beauty makes me smile. I am an artist.

I just checked in on Mita, she was curled up in the little litter box I set up. Jessica was full of it when she said they were litter box trained. I shall log a complaint. Man it is hard typing with one hand as I hold this ball of love and needle sharp claws.

Beer, boys, a girl, and a kitten what a mix.

Emily called me last night, and asked me to meet her as Vickery's. I was tired and I had Mita to deal with. I told her call me after she gets out of school tonight. If I'm awake....
Umm hot boi lesbian

9:26 a.m. - 2006-01-11


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