elgac's Diaryland Diary


A perfect day I'd say

Ah I have so much life to record, what a wonderful problem to have. In my last entry I promised to tell you about last Wednesday. So here we go...I woke up from the whiskey bender- Tuesday night (when I flew in to the ATL) at 9am. I was so thankful that I wasn't hung over. I called Mary and asked to her out to breakfast but she had started her new work schedule the day before. Now from previous experience I knew I had a small window of time in to which I would start to feel like death. I walked my self promptly to the Flying Biscut and had a fantasic organic lesbian chef designed meal. I wrote a letter in return to Sash my best friend living in East Timor. And just pondered my good luck.

Then I walked across 10th street to Outwrite, a fabulous Gay and Lesbian bookstore/cafe. There I spent tons of money on, a book about tattoos for Christina (other best friend living in Germany),a lesbian erotic collection (one can never have to many), XXX Porn star potraits, and a Girlfriend mag. As I left walking slowly along Piedmont Park, enjoying the blue sky and warm breeze, I called Andrew (man posse portion 1/3). I had missed him. He informed me of a lunch for a wonderful administrater that was leaving the college. It was at a place only four blocks up from where I was. So I meandered towards the food establishment.

On the way I stoped into my favorite scent store and got a few nice smelling objects for Kathy. Met up with everyone and drank my 32 oz coke since I had already eatten. The the whiskey shakes came apon me. Curse the day whiskey was born, nah who am I kidding that shit is good.

Andrew and I went out to the posse house where we sat around smoking and listening to ipod music. That was when Emily the hottie from the night before called and I blew her off. (As a side note I had to pass on two more invites due to previous plans since, oh yeah playing it cold). Then we went to the brewery where we met up with Sean (posse portion 2/3).

Drank it up for a bit, and went home took a shower, got dressed and walked to the grocery store. Where I proceed to buy way too many heavy things. So I called a cab. Put the food away and Melody called asking if she and Blake could come over later. I was of course, "like totally for real." I cleaned up the apartment, paid my bills, and then proceeded to lock myself out of my apartment at 10:30 at night.

So I did the only thing I could I called Mary. She had my extra keys due to watching Bella over my vacation. Lucky me she is a sweety and just moved five blocks away as well. So I had a key in my hand in about 15 mins. We sat and caught up, I gave her the gifts I bought for her. Melody and Blake showed up and we all stayed up and chatted until 2:30am.

It was such a grand day. Oh and Mary gave me sweet lush kisses before she left me.

Now I have to update you on my weekend....next entry

2:24 p.m. - 2006-01-09


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