elgac's Diaryland Diary


What Elgac did yesterday

Working or not working at the gallery, its cold and I am cold. Burrr, but in the grand scheme its not really that cold. None the less I am cold. Mary came over last night to the party Dodd was throwing.

Earlier that day I had worked on a project for Amin, one of my man posse members. After that was done and I had closed the school store, Amin and I went out to lunch. We chatted then I asked if he wanted to come over to my place to relax before all the parties began. It was the last day of classes this semester. Left that out. We laid in my bed and watched two episodes of the L-word. I love this man, he can enjoy the show for the ladies and the stories.

Then Sean (posse member as well) got off work came over and I wanted to go to the liquor store (where I bought beer and crown royal), get food and go to see the sculpture show. Sean was a sweety, drove us and even drove the car around while Amin and I viewed the show. Just like a dad we called him and he pulled up. Back to my place for the pre-party. Ah the drinking began in ernest. The boys got maker's mark for themselves.

Mary showed up around 10:30ish, went up to my place to make her a drink and give her kisses. We rejoined the party and got a game of Twister going. But people weren't drunk enough to really get into it. Blah blah chatted and had my posse meet Mary, and Jeremiah met her as well. All went well, had the boys come up for a night cap.

Then Mary and I had a wonderful make-out session, you know the ones where you can't breathe because your too busy sucking on something. A cute thing happened after that, we both fell into a dosey sprawled out on my bed. Later we woke up and she got me so hot and panting. Rolling and rubbing me until I couldn't keep my jeans on any longer. After they came off she made quick work of getting me to lose control. I had a very good time.

This morning we went out for breakfast at the Silver Skillet, a wonderful greasy spoon place. We both had the pork chops (mine were fried and hers were grilled), eggs, grits, gravy, and biscuits. I won't be hungry until at least 5pm. Man my hands are going numb, burrr. I brought her by the gallery so that Marscha and Nicole could meet her. That went well and now Mary is off to work. I hope that tonight I let myself rest, but I have a feeling more drinking shall ensue....

12:50 p.m. - 2005-12-17


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