elgac's Diaryland Diary


Rammblings and touch conversation

Saturday night was Maria's Costume Ball Birthday bash. That is why I was all dressed up. Hense my very boastful previous entry.

What I am most proud of is that I didn't sleep with anybody this weekend. Last week was a crazy sex worlwind. I need to yet again strive for balance.

Tonight I have a hang out date set with Jen my ex. But I also need to run a few miles, and retype my resume.

Tomorrow I have an interview with the college that is eating my college.
I want to care more than I do. But I'm just a bit depressed about the issues of the take over. I want to be motivated by a more professional environment with higher pay. I should be, also resumes depress me.

Ideally I want tons money from my car accident. So that I can live off of that and move out of this car ridden city. This is not a defined option also I need to spend that money on graduate school.

I wonder if I can retype my resume, walk home get my gym bag, come back to work out. Then meet Jen all by 6:30?
I get off work at 5pm, well when Greg gets here I could go work in the computer lab for a bit. If so I think I can do it.

Grrr I hate working on my resume.

In other news I don't think I brought up that the graphic designer and I had a lovely talk last Monday night. We weren't drunk! Go us, more importantly him. We hung out smoked cigs and talked for hours. We even went out for dinner. In a way it was a date. I think he thinks that I want him to be my boyfriend. Personally he doesn't have enough to round "us" out. I much prefer sleeping with him once in a while and through that I shall teach him the ways of touch. I just want to be a hands on guardan. Ok maybe 10 % wouldn't mind complete rights to him. But I don't want to give up my freedom.

No truth be told I want Sean. His touch is like fire on my skin. I have not been so well caressed in quite a long time. The graphic designer no way, I'm teaching him. Mary she's learning but she is also good at other things. And a random recient lover was ok in the kissing department but no touch. I'm a firm believer in the power of just the touch of your finger tips. I can make a grown man purr if you just give me a comfortable place to lounge and ten mintues. Just hands and not even touching down yonder.

Enough babble, I must work on my future.

1:58 p.m. - 2005-10-17


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