elgac's Diaryland Diary


Weekend extrazaganza

I have a full and inspiring life. Life is so good right now I'm waiting for something to go wrong. Well not completely.

The preview party on Thursday went well. I looked good and made many people laugh.

Friday night's opening went fantasicly well. We had three hundred people show easy, in three hours! I worked the crowd for a while but became distracted. There were cigs that needed to be smoked and a cute designer to watch. Oh me oh my,I am incouragiable. Well I looked wonderful, I had a great shade of lipstick on (which always makes me feel ultra sexy)and people loved me. Yeah there is a lot about me here...

I had the best Friday night. There was the show, and after that I went to Charlie G's a pub at 11 th street and West Peachtree st. I went with the designer and another sweet german designer. We had more drinks to mix in with the wine we had at the opening. Waited forever for our food but all went well. I remembered that Joe my third roommate in college's old boyfriend worked there. He is so handsome, I got his number and chatted with him a bit. Again I was told I looked great. Ah ego so big.

After dinner we, the german and I went to the Friday night kegger at Sean's and the designer went to a show. The german has a car with a rag top so we put that down and smoked cigs while listening to the Beach Boys. The air was crisp with the promise of Fall.

Maria called and asked us if we wanted to go to My Sister's Room to dance. We went ahead to the party but said hey we have a back up plan. Went we arived there was five people there, it got better. They were very happy that ladies were there. I must say I just love those guys. I have had up close and personal conversations with all three of them. There is so much mutial man love in the house its adorable. They drank and drank alot. I did not due to the wine and vodika earlier. We had so much fun and laughed so hard my face hurt when we left. I slept well that night.

Saturday I worked at the Gallery, lots of cleaning up from the opening. We got work ready for the Pre Harvest Festival party on Sunday. Made tags, inventoried the work for it, got it ready to be moved. I went home and had a date with myself. I made a great dinner of fish, potatoes, and asparagus. Talked to my mom. Drank a Boddington's Ale and watched the rest of the Six feet under disk I had. Then I sat around thinking about myself and what needed to get done. Emptied more boxes from the two scary closets, "found" important things lost in the move, smoked cigs, and had a chat with Maria to top the late night off.

Sunday I woke up and did my streches, had a good breakfast that I ate on my balcony. Then I cleaned the fuck out of my apartment. After that I washed got dressed and walked my busy ass down 12 blocks to the Pre Harvest Fest Party. I was not wearing heels, didn't want to, though every one else did. But I looked cute, just a little adolesent which in fact I think was disarming. "Oh look at the young up start artist working for a Gallery." Ah ha little do they know that I am very good at selling. I almost sold a Corinne Adams to this cute lady named Amy. The husband needs to be asked though so we shall see. I hope she comes by the Gallery. If so we will make bank. Plus we made some great contacts.

After that Marscha went to go home and while we were in the parking garage I found an area rug.( worked out well for me because it was a mistake she made to go home first, she was giving me a ride home it was ment to be) It is just what I needed to make this new kind of cone sculpture I came up with Friday night when I was at the Boys' house. I wanted a flat plane that can be found cheaply and still be interesting. The rug is one of those grass pottery barn thingies. And my dinner plans for tonight were just moved to tomorrow so I shall dig right in with this new cone idea. I am very excited.

11:26 a.m. - 2005-09-12


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