elgac's Diaryland Diary


What the fuck I'm up to

With all the writing I do you'd think I would follow some of it. No art has been made this week! I am guite miffed at myself. Socializing has taken over, along with drinking. Yesterday was the first day in five days I didn't have a drink. It hasn't gotten out of control but it could.

So I profess this Saturday night and all Sunday I shall make art.

Tuesday in lue of having Trinity over to my place for dinner we went to Morning Glory. They are simliar to Sanrio Suprises but 10 million times better. We spent two hours between both stores trying to figure out the best cell phone charm to define who we are. I ended up with a cute wooden kimono clad girl with a bell. She is adorable, though the painted flowers on her forehead are unexplained. I love her non the less. I also spent a shit ton of money on stickers. Mostly sleeping panda stickers. Trinity invested in puffy food stickers. We chatted for hours all the while doing things, she can't stop. A few weeks ago she was robbed at gun point in the vintage clothing store she helps run. Then the next week her purse was stolen with her cell phone. I feel for her and I wish she would relax and really deal with it. But that's her choice.

Wednesday was of course brewery day. It started slow and the original crew wasn't all there but much fun was had. It was Melody's birthday, so when ever anybody was close enough to hear I would declare this fact thus grabing uber amounts of attention for her. (I did this all day not just at the brewery) I invited everyone over to my place for the after brewery chats and smokes. Most came, about 8 people or so. In my room where we are hanging out, I put on a mixed tape made by my first boyfriend, straight from 1994. Oh yeah! So the Four Non-Blondes song we all know came on and we had a spontanous sing along. It rocked we were all singing at the top of our lungs. You just can't plan that shit.

Yesterday rocked because I finally was massaged by the cute lady at my chiro. Oh my she is the best masssage I have ever had. I babbled on and on about myself and people. Information about jobs for a friend of hers, crap about Rosa, even a stick about Wes the fake talented maya dude. Oh me oh my. Maybe I'll see her at My Sister's Room one day..yeah that would be nice. Maria wants to go dancing there tonight but I have to stay with the moonwalk. I promised Cedric I would and I am a woman of her word.

9:53 a.m. - 2005-09-16


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