elgac's Diaryland Diary


Fall is in the air

AH today is a busy day. I have a session with my art therapist at 5pm then after that hour, I have to walk home. Which is just a block away, get dressed for the preview party at the gallery, and walk ten blocks to the gallery. I love the walk normally, but on an average day I don't have to look cocktail party hot. But alas in this situation I have to so there with be a slow but purposeful walk as aposed to my break neck yo I'm walking here walk.

In other news I want my friends to hook up, Melody and Jereimah. They are so perfect for each other. Both are extremely hot and their souls are hungry for the same things. We went to lunch together today. The weather in Atlanta has been fabulous by the way. They are both very close to me and to have both of them with me was invigorating. Between the two of them they know almost all of my secrets. Hum maybe they shouldn't talk....
Through out the lunch when one or the other left the table for a min. we would discuss what they felt or just how hot the other was. Oh so cute.

Jereimah asked me as we returned to school,"Should I ask her to hang out would she?" I gave him the thumbs up sign. What does the sex crazed boy do, goes into her class and asks her to go hang out now! But they are going to hang out later tonight. I hope they fufill each others needs.

Blessings to the possible happy time.

Yesterday was Wendnesday, you know that means drinking! Yes I have come to the conclusion that I go drink beer and smoke way to many cigs to just be around a man that is totally not good for me. Ah so it goes. But yet I still want him in my bed. How destructive is that?

I just have a mothering complex that wants to feel needed. So that explains my some what cool feelings towards Mary. She has her shit together, no real fixin needed or so it seems.

Pondering this.....

1:55 p.m. - 2005-09-08


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