elgac's Diaryland Diary


Home alone or Together?

Now I have hatched a crazy idea, get a roommate. I really want to live alone but I also want money. It happend yesterday when Matt Lane was helping me make my buzzillion appointments. We were going to look at a two bedroom for $725. And the idea popped in to my head. He had sort of asked a couple of weeks ago and I had said no very quickly. I love living alone. But I am quite poor.

So maybe I will live with Matt. I have never lived with a boy. Why not try it? He has money so that isn't a worry. He is crazy but he takes his meds. He smokes a lot but I said outside and he seemed ok with it. We love to talk about art, movies, tv, popular culture. It will stave off loneliness that much more. The list has been floating around in my head all day since I woke up at 7am. It could be good it could be bad.

Rent at this place that I love and have for years is great. One bedroom $675, two bedroom $825. Yeah so I could have rent at $412.50 that leaves tons of money to save and get out of the ATL. But I would have to give up alone freedom is that worth over two hundred dollars? Most of me is saying yes you stupid poor fuck it is.

And there is the added safety of living with someone. They know about when you should be home. I also greatly enjoy cooking dinner. Oh blah I need money. That seems to be a theme I must beat it.

I'm on the fence and if it's ment to be it will work out. Worse comes to worse, I put my stuff in storage and take my cat to a friend's sofa until my home finds me.

What is the use of getting all strung up if I am doing all that I can?

4:29 p.m. - 2005-07-16


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