elgac's Diaryland Diary


hopes of a home

In response to my last line of the previous entry, I may have found my apartment. It is with in my price range, was built between 1920 and 1940, has hardwood floors, great windows, a balcony, with in walking distance of my main job. AHHH I am over joyed at the prospect of such an early success. I can still go home for lunch, which now that I have had this wonderful indulgance for over a year is an addiction of mine.

Yeah happy day, it is small but unless I pay a hundred dollars more I won't get another room. It has a livingroom/everything else room, a bathroom (with a tub a must have), a tiny kitchen but completely servicable, and a bedroom on the corner of the building. I seem to like corners. It maybe connected to my earlier obsession with sitting in the back or to the side of a classroom for protection and easy viewing of the space/people.

I hope I get it, so far I don't see why I won't but until they have my check you never know. I have an apointment today at 2:30 for a place right by Piedmont Park. It's $700 but I should see it you know to keep my options open. It is in walking distance but not lunching distance, sad. Also my possible apartment is $625 a month not counting a $20 water fee, so were talking $645. Ah I don't know, there is an appointment at 9am on Saturday as well for another place at $625. But even farther and a bit sketchy. I most likely will cancel that one. Juniper and 3rd street too close to North ave. which has always given me the creapy vibes not to mention the rat to person ratio. Yeah as I type this I shall break that engagement besides I want to sleep in on Saturday before I go to the Gallery.

Oh I must get my aplication done and submitted to the company today for C-8 at the Belvidere. Oh the pink marble front staircase, sigh. The only draw back to the place is that it's on West Peachtree st., a busy street and I hate cars even before I was hit. My place is on the back side so that is a comfort. No place will be perfect and if it was I wouldn't be able to afford it thus it would not be perfect.

Oh I do pray I get it. Please Goddess here me now!

10:31 a.m. - 2005-07-08


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