elgac's Diaryland Diary


Apartment shopping and car hitting me

It has been a long and hard weekend. I was hit by a car while walking across Peachtree St. and 15th on Friday at 5:15ish. I had the light and was in the cross walk but I guess she needed to turn that much more. So I am ok for the most part. I have stiches on my left thumb, a head bumb above my left eye, brusies and scrapes all up my right side and my right knee hurts. It went well for a person getting hit by a car.

I rested in bed with my cat all in a haze of pain killers all weekend. Thursday I had a break down. I took the day off so that I could cry and go to therapy. After talking with Susanne I felt as if my bones had been removed and I was a pile of flesh. I woke up Friday with a lighter feeling and hope. It lasted for a while. When I was at work I looked up a few apartments and made appointments for viewings. I got off work at 12:45 and it was on. There was a place for $580 on 7th street with heat and water included. I had to see it being that was such a great price. The place was scary, meth is definately being created there. The place itself was ok but the bathroom was...there was a green garden hose connected to the tub faucet to the shower head. That gives you an idea of the place. After the viewing I was right next to the galerie so I dropped in to say hello to Marscha. We had lunch and cooked up more plans. I haven't mentioned how damn hot it was at least 90 with 70% humitiy. After that I had a place to check out just down the street. Connie Rose is the owner and I have heard some choice things said about her but again the rent was good, $565 to $600. I did like one of the apartments but it was rented out. So I walked down to 10th street to see if I could get a view of the place there I was told about. It was a no go so I sat at Outwrite and wrote three pages in my journal while drinking limeaid. Hydrated and well purged I walked across the street to a cell phone emporium to see my options. I am a 24yr old in America with out a cell phone, car or computer. I want a cell phone but I want to make the best choice I can. After picking Jason's mind, the employee of the cell phone mega store I walked out into a thunderstorm ready to go home. It wasn't raining as much as lighting all around me. I figured five blocks and I'm home. But the last 2,000 feet got me, damn silver miny van.

Spent five hours in the E.R. which is really fast for Piedmont Hospital. Cynthia my boss and friend came to take care of me as my "aunt". There was alot of crying seeing as before the car accident I wasn't in a health frame of mind. I feel like an egg that has been taped up and glued back together again countless times.

One day soon I am going to get it together and no on will stop me. But for now I would settle for a good apartment.

9:32 a.m. - 2005-07-05


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