elgac's Diaryland Diary


Party and Winder plans

Today is a half day at work, and so I'm planing trouble. Melody and I are possibly going to Winder. Winder being a small Georgia town know for it's barbeque. I have had it and it was yummy. Also the best part of that vist was being with John and Jerry. Who were before the bastards moved to New York City my favorite Gay couple. They are both at least 250 pounds and 6 feet some odd inches. So when I was with them I felt little, cute, and safe. In Winder the whole uber gay thing would or could be a problem but not for these two being their uber size out ubering their gayness. We feasted on much flesh. It was always so scarey how fast they consumed food. Ah just thinking about it scares me.

But back to the trip, I will get to meet her grandparents and we might stay for dinner. Oh such a cute domestic interaction I hope we go. Melody is becoming a person that is awesome enough to fill Christina's void (bestfriend that moved to Germany) and Jen's "I have a lover so I don't want to talk to you" void. The Goddess always has provided me with the love and support I need. Hail Goddess!

Oh tomorrow is a party that Trinity and Darren are throwing. Much fun will be had, smoke machine, lights, disco ball and roller skating! All that with drinking I can not wait. Also I envited Andrew the graphic designer, so that will be a fun diversion.
I am trying to not have high hopes just go with what may come. I hope Melody will come even if she and Darren don't hook up and make the hottest babies ever. Drama of current art students and graduates of art school, there never is an end in sight. Besides if Melody comes we can be all whispery and silly. Oh joy to new intense girl friendships! And Hark to one that will not blow up!

11:55 a.m. - 2005-06-10


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