elgac's Diaryland Diary


Here's to my empty bed!

Ah yesterday, after a proper bit of pouting I called the ill-suited lover and told him I could not do it. And there was much rejoicing, on my part at least. I felt light and less discontent. But I did also submerge myself with David Lynch films, there have to be side effects to that people. And it ain�t a sense of well being.

I called Justin and left a message. He took his sweet ass time calling me back. But then I left a message where I didn�t not try to sound chipper. He called and asked what was up, and I said,�I can�t do this.� He guessed as much by my message. He left a couple of shirts and his inhaler here. I asked if I could mail him his stuff. But he wouldn�t give me an address. You see I�d rather not have to meet up with him and give shit back. I want to clean house. I thought about throwing it out but then I was like no Elgac karma karma. ~Sigh~

Since it was Wednesday I went to the brewery and drank many cupfuls of lovely micro brewed beer. I also sweated much due to the evil sun, ah the south. I had made plans to hang out with Gigi so I just asked/begged her to meet up with us at the PrinceofWales. She took her sweet ass time. When she did show up, Andrew, Sean and Christy were there for her to meet. The boys were curious as to what Gigi looked like and such, well I know Sean was, fuck if I know what Andrew�s feeling. He doesn�t know either.

Now I woke up at 5 am and I can�t get back to sleep, so I�m writing in my blogs.

I will say this for the boy I�ll miss certain things about him. But man did he snore. That as Christy put it is a �deal breaker� for her. When I first complained to my mother about it she quickly said, �get a pair of ear plugs.� But then she just wants me to end up with a man, almost at any cost it would seem to me.
I�m a bridge. It�s lonely being the cute plump queer girl who can�t pick between a man or a woman. Yeah yeah its the person. I can�t believe I�m asking this but where are they?

12:43 a.m. - 2006-07-13


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