elgac's Diaryland Diary


It was good and now its not so good

Life has been whirlwinds of tasks, hanging out, and working like a fiend.
Last Monday I was told that I have polycysitic ovarian diease and a lump on my Thyroid. Also last Monday I started the liquidation of the store. Yeah cancer scare (still waiting on tests and appointments) and crazy art supply store sale. There was/is much crying. The school is closing and there are so many people I will never get to see or speak to ever again. It's always such a hard time of year but double this year due to the one hundred and one years of history that's being sold up the creek.

Eh what do I know? Not a damn thing really just that people with money in this city have shortsighted vision. What do I expect from Atlanta? A city that re-invents itself ever fifteen years or so. It should be called the L.A. of the south. We're the only other city that drives as much as L.A. Our air is just as shitty. Parking is hell. Crazy shit is always falling off trucks on the highway, all eight lanes of it (on the downtown connector-i.e. death trap lane).

I want warm arms to hold me and soft lips to caress. I need a physical connection and I want it to be positive. Is this too much to ask? No I believe not.

Tomorrow I meet a man I've been talking to through {Myspace}. He is a friend of Andrew's (man posse member) but Andrew doesn't currently have a happy view on him. Eh I love a good conversation. We are to meet at the WAC center and walk to the Prince of Wales, grab a drink and chat. He is driving in from Dalton an hour and half away. I've set it up so that friends will "drop by" and join us. We'll get to talk alone for a while then if I'm trapped my friends will be the wedges. It could go well.

3:09 p.m. - 2006-05-15


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