elgac's Diaryland Diary


Ah Tuesday

Today is Tuesday, and so far I spent most of it not doing much of anything.
My bed was most comfortable this morning, I blame this on my love of fine sheets. And the fact that it was 28 f degrees outside. Bella was a cute cat ball beside me this morning. And when I turned to pet her she made the most adorable "mer-ah" sound.

I was thinking about how I love my cat and will be getting another one soon. With this in mind how can I even like a person if they are allergic to cats. I could not leave Bella behind. Though I know my mother would love to have her. Now having declaired this I will most surely fall for an allergic human.

Partly what got me into this train of thought was a cutey student I toyed with on Sunday. He is allergic to kitties. I would love to bring him over and take advantage of him. He of course still lives with his parents when he is not in the dorms. I could never sleep with him in the dorms. It would spread like wild fire. "Did you see that Elgac signed in to see Blank, and she stayed all night long?" Even the security guards would get all involved.

This led me to think of ways around bringing him home, but still persue pleasure. One vinette that came to mind was taking a blanket to PiedmontPark and making out at dusk. Yeah thats a good one, could use that on many a person really.

I kissed him on Sunday but he had to run off to the ex-girlfriend. And he has only slept with two girls. This isn't a bad thing but it is a good thing I know a head of time. It is nice to think of him as fresh meat. A little training and who knows where he might go? Like breaking in new leather.

I have to ask myself is it just because he is young and funny? Or do I want to take over someone that seems to be open to it? And I am very wary of the penis issue previously penned in the last entry as well.

Ah I'm leaving town Thursday and not coming back until Tuesday January 3rd. And with that it shall wait. What ever may come from it.

10:26 a.m. - 2005-12-20


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