elgac's Diaryland Diary


Observations and hopes

My throat has that dry you just went flying feeling. I am also an open mouth breather when I sleep deeply. So in combo I have a sore throat now. Wah
I have had three cups of tea, one was a berry combo that always makes me feel better, the next was a peppermint tea, an dthe final cup was orange black tea in which I poured a good amount of sugar and cream. It was the yummiest of all. But now I really should drink water since I am most certainly dehydrated. Goal 64 oz. of water at least 32 oz.

Andrea called me yesterday while I was still hanging out in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. She invited me to go to the brewery with her today. How sweet is that? Last Wednesday I called her and complained about Andrew being an ass. I told her to stop sleeping with him and come to my bed because I would treat her with the respect she deserves. She agreed that I do make her feel special. I replied because she is. But as I was viewing her wonderful printmaking show and installation this morning with her, she told me she went over there last night to well, get sex.

Blah what ever, I am in a strange state of mind about Andrew. He told me that he doesn't want to keep sleeping with Andrea and that in fact it makes him kind of sick. But the stupid cock that he is, is still sleeping with her. I believe that he does like sleeping with her and just doesn't like the fact that he likes it. Not to mention he might be trying to play some sort of mind game with me. Ha I am so over trying to sleep with his drunk virgo ass. He doesn't have any vision, or a since of touch. They can continue to use each other and build up lies until they dislike each other.

I still might sleep with her though. She has the tall elfish thing going on. And cute little pointy breasts. The thought of licking her until she wriths with release is a fun fantasy I have been playing with. But since last month when I was scaring people with my sexual lust, I put it mostly away in a metaphorical suitcase.

I want to meet my dream woman. She is still in my minds eye.

11:15 a.m. - 2005-11-30


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