elgac's Diaryland Diary


Life is good

Ok where was I...yeah so I didn't sleep with Sean go me. I made breakfast for everybody. (the night before I had gone to the store with a few fellow party starved guests and thought a head) Scrambled eggs with cheese and toast, breakfast of champions also something I eat at least once a week. I was then told I was awesome, thank you thank you.

Then with the day a head of us, the drinking began again. I didn't but for one beer you know to take the edge off. We smoked, watched t.v., Cedric came to get his moonwalk but not before I had jumped in that mother fucker for at least another 15 mins. Cedric is such a sweet man, in fact he called me on Monday to say thanks for the business after a couple of years of quiet.

It was nice to see the place in day light. Sean's backyard is HUGE and full of the scarest spiders every where. And that is saying something considering I'm from Florida. But juice suckers aside the yard has great capture the flag promise.

Having claimed these guys as my boys I am trying to get them to make the keggers every Friday have a theme. Their going to get drunk regardless so shouldn't we be entertained? My proposal for next week, not this friday due to the fact that Sean is going out of town, is a pirate/nautical theme. This is backed up by the fact that girls love pirates thank you J Depp man! The more ladies the more fun to be had I say.

Andrew needed to work at school so I caught a ride with him into town. It was about 6pm or so. He told me I rocked and we had a nice hug. Oh silly silly graphic designer. I then laid in my wonderful bed watched six feet under, scarfed some food and slept like the dead.

Sunday I slept in until 10am or so then I watched t.v., read a couple of articles, cleaned the cat box, made art, talked to my mom. It was going so well I took Monday off too. And did a re-play of Sunday.

Later though I went to Vickery's my favorite bar to meet with Melody. I brought cones to be made, so we drank beer, as I made art. Oh the plans we make. The enjoyment I receive from hanging out with Melody hasn't a price. I am just plain greatful that we have ever met.

Tuesday passed with out much of anything just the same old. Oh not true I spoke with Mary. We've slept together twice and hung out about five times in all, with a smathering of phone calls. Just to give you a lose picture. The thing that's sticking in my crawl as the saying goes is when we were hanging up she said bye baby. What the fuck I am no one's baby. I have been thinking about it quite often and well I don't have enough context for the statement. The fear rose in my throat, ahhhhh not another clingy woman. This is my issue so I shall wait it out.

Wednesday was crazy and I have tons to say but I'm tired. Also I went skinny dipping with three hot ladies last night. Let me just say there was a belly flop contest and I was the judge.

8:39 a.m. - 2005-09-23


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