elgac's Diaryland Diary


Nothing really

Oh woe is me I was snotted up quite well since my return to Atlanta. Damn airports and their nasty germies. Not to mention people and public transit. More reasons for walking alone away from the masses.

I have been wanting to write but have not had the time. I worked Wednesday and Thursday only to not be able to work at either of my jobs on Friday because I was to busy making snot and not being able to hear. I still can't hear for the most part which makes sleeping easier but for the lack of a clear nose. Then in turn makes my throat a dry tube. Ah the cycle of cold.

Enough elgac this cold rammbling is piss poor conversation.

Mary called me about hanging out on Sunday but I had already made plans to work for my Art supply store boss at her home. Its a good thing considering I needed money for rent. I was $63 short on Friday. But I made $250 this weekend so I will eat and live for another month.

I want to fuck Mary very much but I would really like to be snot free before I attempt this. We're playing phone tag and from the last message she sounded a bit put out. It might be because of something else going on, not me but it was off putting. There was mention of a birthday party this coming weekend. Might go just to be more open with her and experience her friends a bit. I guess I'll call her again and leave a dirty message about what I want to do to her....

I was so silly when it came to spending money in NYC. I blame the sex store the most. I haven't told you about the waterproof erotica book I procured. Aqua, is the title, I had Wet the second book but a lover stole it so I had to buy Agua. I have it sitting in my bathtub. I'm trying to only read it when I am taking a bath. But I am a veracious reader especially when sex is involved. Also I am a pisces and water imagery gets me going. Yeah I can really tell putting away my sexual wandering has created other sexual outlets. Meaning regardless of how I hide, push, subdue, my sex drive will find away to express its self. Oh my I am in my mid twenties.

9:57 a.m. - 2005-12-05


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