elgac's Diaryland Diary


What a nice deal

The longest time with out sex is over. I feel into the arms of a sweet woman named Mary.

I had a party last night, which I decided to throw Tuesday, and it all came together quite well if I may say so. I made brusheda (so misspelled) and had the obligitory hummus, with all the allkeehall for the peoples.

There was point at about 10:30ish that I was afraid if any body was going to come. I have a small place but I could handle about twenty people. But soon the phone calls started to roll in. All was well, and I felt loved and happy. I really wanted to have people come for me, I wanted to be surrounded by friends.

So I had called Mary yesterday morning enviting her to me party. I met her through Anjana, the crazy hot indian chick, who's party weekend I just blew off. Thats a whole nother story though. O.K. It was Mary and I's second time hanging out since the first night we met. The first night we spent a good amount of time together but it was just one night. So we have chatted a bit on and off through phone calls. I was very honored that she took the time to come considering the woman drives a shit ton being that her commute is something like 80 miles?! But lucky me I live in the middle of that commute (smiles).

There was tequila, and shots were wide spread. Mary took a bit too many and decided to take a nap on my bed. She was so sweet passed out there, arms all cuddled up and stuff. I left her there and went on to close down the party. The last person left at 2:30am or so. I picked up and got dressed for bed.

So there is a sweet cute lady in my bed what do I do? I lay next to her and enjoy it. I brushed her hair away so that I could see her face, with this she woke. We chatted and through that time as we laid next to each other we moved closer and closer together.

We had a nice time getting to know each other. I enjoy her soundss.

We woke up after two hours of sleep. I made scrabbled eggs and toast, with a glass of O.J. We ate out on my balcony and enjoyed the cool morning breeze.

What nice suprise.

1:07 p.m. - 2005-08-25


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